
As a former MLB prospect, college player, scout and father, baseball has afforded me many valuable lessons. It's taught me how to be tough, loving, accept failure, work hard, and realize that nothing is free, and everything is earned. But sometimes, this game can still be a difficult journey. Other times it's a stroll through the park, where it seems like nothing can go wrong. My path was certainly both, as a successful baseball career had ended with an, "inverted " knee injury; a full dislocation and four ruptured ligaments, not to mention three years of painful rehab just learning to walk again. I wasn't even "remotely prepared" for what was to come. It was undoubtedly, the darkest place I would ever visit.
As time passed, I searched every inch of my soul to stay close to the game of baseball. I had learned from some of the best instructors on the planet, so teaching became my "day to day" for several years.....but that wasn't enough. Coaching was soon to follow, and though, incredibly rewarding, it still fell short since dreams of playing Major League Baseball to this seemed miniscule, at best.
Despite every effort imaginable, I still couldn't seem to fill the void that was left from baseball. Then one morning, out of nowhere, it hit me. I decided to give back...and honor the sport that taught me so much...and encompass everything. Teach...Coach... Mentor. Show players everything my father and coaches taught "me." I wanted to fulfill "their dreams" through recruiting, not be bitter for the one's I fell short of. Today, I'm blessed to make other player's dreams a reality. I'm incredibly humbled and grateful to have learned, that while our dreams give us hope....our final destination can be far more powerful than that of our deepest desires...so enjoy the ride!

A 100% Money-Back Guarantee! This gives families the peace of mind knowing their son will have the opportunity of playing college baseball, "IF" I choose to work with them. No high school/travel ball teams/coaches, showcases or camps guarantee you a single thing.
R2R Will Save You Thousands of Dollars! You will “not” need to attend random camps or showcases, so in turn, you will save thousands with, “Time away from work, hotels, gas, food, event fees and miscellaneous spending.” Year after year families spend enormous amounts of money with, “little to no return” on their investment.
Recruiting Guidance! You’ll be professionally guided through a multi-faceted recruiting system, assured that no mistakes are made. Mistakes made can cost your student-athlete scholarship money and potential eligibility status.
Hitting, Pitching and Fielding Instruction are Included! I regularly work with my players (via video call), to polish up and have them ready to take video so I’m able to promote them to college coaches. These videos are paramount, as they’re the only connection between a coach’s eye and a player’s skills.
Skills Video Creation and Unlimited Editing! Player’s will send me the clips I request, and I will cut/edit and create a college baseball skills video for coaches to view. Editing can be done as many times as needed at no extra charge.
Mental Toughness Lessons! Sometimes player’s find themselves in unfamiliar territory. Whether it be a slump, can’t find the strike zone or they’re struggling with their overall confidence (which is typically related to fear of failure). A relaxing conversation can often do wonders in simplifying their issues.